Zaloguj się aby dowiedzieć się jak otrzymać akces do pozostałych melodii:
(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
(What a) Wonderful World - Sam
00 Chromatic test C - C
A Day In The Life - Beatles
A Song For You - Donny Hathawa
Ach śpij kochanie - Dymsza &
Ach ubogi żłobie
Across the Universe - Beatles
Adeste Fideles - traditional /
Albinoni - Adagio
All I want for christmas
All I Want For Christmas - Car
Amazing Grace
And I Love Her - Beatles
Anioł Pasterzom Mówił - tra
Anna Maria - Czerwone Gitary
Annie's song - Denver
Anonymus - Gaudeamus Igitur
Anonymus - Greensleeves / Karl
Another Day In Paradise - Phil
Anthem - from Chess / Tommy K
anthem NATO
Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift
As long as you love me - BackS
Auld Lang Syne
Aura Lee (Love me tender)
Autumn Leaves - Cosma
Axel F
Baby Shark - Pinkfong
Bach - Bourree from Lute Suite
Bóg się rodzi
Beethoven - For Elise
Beethoven - Symphony 5th /main
Bella Ciao - La Casa de Papel
Bella Notte
BIowin' in the wind - Dylan
Bizet - Torreador Song
Blackbird - Beatles
Blank Space - Taylor Swift
Blue Christmas
Blueberry Hill - Fats Domino
Brahms - Hungarian Dans No 6
Brunetki, blondynki - Jan Kiep
By The Time I Get To Phoenix -
California Dreamin' - Mamas &
Całkiem Nowa Bajka - akademia
Can You Feel The Love Tonight
Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You
Careless Whisper - George Mich
Charpentier - Te Deum
Chopin - Masurka op.68/3
Chopin - Prelude op.28/20
Chopin - Prelude op.28/7
Cicha Noc / Silent Night
Cinema paradiso final theme
Come As You Are - Nirvana
Corelli - La Folia
Czerwone jabluszko
Deck the halls
Despacito - Luis Fonsi
Diamonds - Rihanna
Dla Elizy - Beethoven
Dni których nie znamy - Grech
Do szopy, hej, pasterze
Do You Want To Know a Secret -
Do-Re-Mi - from The Sound of M
Don't worry be happy - Bobby M
Downtown - Petula Clark
Edelweiss - from Sound of Musi
Eight Days a Week - Beatles
El condor pasa - Los Incas
Eleanor Rigby - Beatles
Ennio Marricone - D'Amore si m
Ever and ever forever - Demis
Every Breath You Take - the Po
Everybody Hurts - R.E.M.
Eye of The Tiger - Survivor
Fairytale of New York - the Po
Feliz Navidad - Feliciano J
Fernando - ABBA
Fields Of Gold - Sting
Fly Me To The Moon
For Once In My Life - Stevie W
Forever Young - Alphaville
From me to you - Beatles
Gabrielas theme (Mission)
Gama molowa harmoniczna
Gdy Mi Ciebie Zabraknie - Jaku
Gdy się Chrystus rodzi
Gdybym był bogaty - Skrzypek
Gdzie Są Kwiaty - Przybylska
Get Back - Beatles
Girl - Beatles
Głęboka studzienka
God Only Knows - Beach Boys
Going home (boquilhas)
Gonna Fly Now - from Rocky
Good, bad and the ugly
Gounod/Bach - Ave Maria
Grieg - In the Hall of the Kin
Grieg - Poranek Peer Gynt
Guarda Che Luna - Buscalione F
Händel - La Rejoussance
Happy New Year - ABBA
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) - Len
Have You Ever Seen The Rain -
Have Yourself a Merry Little C
Hej, bystra woda
Hejnał z Wieży Mariackiej
Hello, Dolly - Louis Armstrong
Help - Beatles
Here Comes The Sun - Beatles
Here, There and Everywhere - B
Hey Jude - Beatles
Hit The Road Jack - Ray Charle
Holly Jolly Christmas - Buble
Honey Boy - Ingrosso Benjamin
Hotel California - The Eagles
How could an angel break my he
How Will I Know - Whitney Hous
I Could Have Danced All Night
I Don't Wanna Wait - David Gue
I Love Paris - from Can-Can /
I saw mommy kissing St.CIaus
I Say Yeh Yeh- Georgie Fame /
I Want to Hold Your Hand - Bea
I Want To Know What Love Is -
I'll Follow The Sun - Beatles
I'm a Believer - The Monkees
I'm Forrest - Forrest Gump
If I Fell - Beatles
In My Life - Beatles
In the Summertime - Mungo Jerr
It's Beginning to Look a Lot L
It's Not Unusual - Tom Jones
Its The Most Wonderful Time of
Jako - Ladaniva
Jestem twoją bajką - akademi
Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła -
John Brown's body
Johnny B.Good - Chuck Berry
Jolene - Dolly Parton
Kaczor Donald
Killing me softly - Roberta Fl
Klan - trailer / Rynkowski R
kolysanka ah spij bo wlasnie,
Kormorany - Piotr Szczepanik
Krakowiaczek jeden
Księżyc Raz Odwiedził Staw
Ładne oczy masz - Czerwone Gi
Last Christmas - Wham
Let it Be - Beatles
Let's Twist Again - Chubby Che
Lighter - Galantis, David Guet
lmagine - John Lennon
Look What You Made Me Do - Tay
Love Grows - Edison Lighthouse
Love Story (Where Do I Begin)
Żołnierz dziewczynie nie sk
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Lulajże Jezuniu
Lush Life - Zara Larsson
Mędrcy świata
Mamma mia - ABBA
Maria - from West Side Story
Martini - Plaisir d'Amour
Me - Taylor Swift
Me and Bobby McGee - Janis Jop
Memory from Cats / Streisand B
Memory Lane - Zara Larsson
Mendelssohn - Marsz Weselny
Mendelssohn - Spring Song
Merry Christmas - Ed Sheeran /
Merry Christmas Everyone - Sha
Miała baba koguta
Michelle - Beatles
Miłość w Portofino - Przyby
Misia A, Misia B
Mizerna cicha
Mona Lisa - Nat King Cole
Moniuszko - Prząśniczka
Morskie opowieści
Mozart - Sonata in A
Mozart - Symphony No 40
Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfun
My Bonnie
My heart beats like a drum
My Heart Will Go On - from Tit
Na prawo most na lewo most - c
Nature Boy - Nat King Cole
Niech Mówią - Cyms Oskar
Nobody knows the trouble I've
Norwegian Wood - Beatles
Nowhere Man - Beatles
O Sole Mio - E. diCapua / Pava
O-bla-di-0-bla-da - Beatles
Octopus's Garden - Beatles
Offenbach - Can Can
Oh, Darling - Beatles
Oh, Pretty Woman - Roy Orbison
Oh, When The Saints
Oh! Carol - Neil Sedaka
Oj, Maluśki, Maluśki, Maluś
Ojciec chrzestny God father
Ole, ole, ole, ole, we are the
Paganini - Caprice No 24
Pamiętasz, była jesień - S
Panie Janie
Penne Lane - Beatles
People - Barbra Streisand
Pije Kuba
Płonie ognisko w lesie
Płynie Wisła, płynie
Pod papugami - Niemen
Podmoskiewskie wieczory
Pole, poletko
Pożegnanie z Bajką - akademi
Powrócisz Tu - Santor Irena
Prząśniczka - Moniuszko
Przybieżeli do Betlejem
Pstrąg - Schubert
Puccini - Nessun dorma
Puff the magic dragon
Revolution - Zelmerlöv / mell
riff Final countdown / Europe
riff Stand by Me
riff Take me on / aha
riff Take on Me - a-ha
Rockin' Around The Christmas T
Rossini - William Tell overtur
Rudolf the rednosed reindeer
San Francisco - McKenzie
Santa Claus is coming to town
Schubert - Ave Maria
Schubert - Forelle / Troute
Schubert - Lullaby / Wiegenlie
Schubert - Serenade
Schumann - Happy Farmer
Seal with a kiss
Sen o Warszawie - Niemen
Send In The Clowns - Collins &
Shake It Off - Taylor Swift
Shallow - Lady Gaga, Cooper
Shape of My Heart - Sting
Shape of You - Ed Sheeran
She Loves You - Beatles
She's Leaving Home - Beatles
Smile - Nat King Cole
Somethin' Stupid - F & Nancy S
Something - Beatles
Somewhere - WestSideStory
Somwhere Over The Rainbow - fr
Spanish Harlem - Ben E. King
Speedy Gonzales - Pat Boone
Stand by Me - Ben King
Stardust - Nat King Cole
Stary niedźwiedź mocno śpi
Sto Lat, Sto Lat..
Stokrotka rosla polna
Strangers in the night - Frank
Strangest dream ?
Strauss - Nad pięknym modrym
Strawberry Fields Forever - Be
Style - Taylor Swift
Sugar - Turrentine Stanley
Sugar Sugar - the Archies
Super trouper
Super Trouper - Mamma Mia soun
Superman - Main Theme
Symphony (feat. Zara Larsson)
Szła dzieweczka
Ta ostatnia niedziela
Take a Chance On Me - ABBA
Take Me Home, Country Roads -
Tchaikovsky - Jezioro Łabędz
Tears In Heaven - Clapton E
Ten penny bit - irish
Tequila - the Champs
Texas Hold'em - Beyonce
The Christmas Song - Nat King
The Good The Bad and The Ugly
The Lambeth Walk - from Me And
The Long And Winding Road - Be
The Look of Love - Burt Bachar
The Magnificent Seven - movie
The Real Slim Shady riff - Emi
The Tower - Luna
These Boots Are Made For Walki
This, this is the way - E-Type
Ticket To Ride - Beatles
Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The
Tom Dooley
Top Gun Anthem - riff
Toss the Feathers - The Coors
Tryumfy Króla Niebieskiego -
Tylko we Lwowie - Fogg M.
Uciekaj, uciekaj - Skaldowie
Umówiłem się z nią na dzie
Verdi - La Donna e mobile
Vivaldi - Autumn / la caccia
Voila - Pravi Barbara
W grocie króla gór - E.Grieg
W murowanej piwnicy tańcowali
Water - Tyla
We Can Work It Out - Beatles
Wedding March - F. Mendelssohn
Wesołą Nowinę - tradycja /
Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que
When I'm Sixty Four - Beatles
When you wish upon a star
While My Guitar Gently Weeps -
White Christmas - Crosby,
Wild World - Yusuf/Cat Stevens
Wind of Change - Scorpions
Winter Wonderland - Presley
Witajcie w Naszej Bajce - akad
Wlazł kotek
Woman In Love - Barbra Streisa
Wonderful World - Louis Armstr
Wspomnienie - Niemen
Yellow submarine - The Beatles
Yesterday - Beatles
You Belong With Me - Taylor Sw
You Don't Have To Say You Love
You're The One That I Want - f
You've Got To Hide Your Love A
Z Narodzenia Pana - tradycja /
Zacznij od Bacha - Wodecki Z
Zielony mosteczek
Złoty Pierścionek - Santor I
Twinkle, twinkle, little star na flet poprzeczny
kategoria: tradycyjne
Jak czytać adamTabs? na flet poprzeczny
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are!
When the blazing sun is gone, When there's nothing he shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, through the night. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are!
In the dark blue sky so deep Through my curtains often peep For you never close your eyes ’Til the morning sun does rise Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you are
Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you are